Sankt Barbara Kirche | Church / Hundertwasserkirche Bärnbach Austria

A fantastic church redesigned by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

General info

The church of Saint Barbara (patron of miners) was built in 1948 and was renovated and redesigned by Friedensreich Hundertwasser in 1987. On the initiative of Father Friedrich Zeck, Hundertwasser accepted the job of redesigning the church in Bärnbach.

He designed twelve gates representing all the larger religions in the world. The design and co-operation with the architect Manfred Fuchsbichler created a well-visitied landmark in the midst of an industrial area. For the design of the interior, artists from the region were used, among them Franz Weiß (one of the windows below), Rudolf Pointner, Kurt Zisler, Erwin Talker, Gustav Troger, Otto Brunner, Egon Maurer, and Zvonka Pozun. Hundertwasser only designed the aureole (rays of light) behind the altar, the floor of the presbyterium and the spiral window behind the baptismal font.

When I visited in 2016 the big golden onion cupola was being renovated, so I guess I have to come back one day to get a photo with it in place.


Tausendsassa Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser

External links


Images taken: 2016-06-20, 2016-06-21

Map, address, and coordinates




Piberstraße 15, 8572 Bärnbach, Austria

Country (Landscape):

Austria | Österreich,

Latitude DD:


Date visited:

2016-06-20, 2016-06-21

Longitude DD:
